
Case Studies
Explore our previous projects and see how we help customers ensure quality and optimize their production.

Aerospace Testing
Category: R&D/Production Testing
Industry: Aerospace
In the aerospace industry, test systems often need large amounts of high voltage/current channels. Products undergo continuous development and test systems must adapt to reflect these changes.
Industry: Aerospace
In the aerospace industry, test systems often need large amounts of high voltage/current channels. Products undergo continuous development and test systems must adapt to reflect these changes.

Automotive Test System
Category: R&D/Production Testing
Industry: Automotive
Backer needed a set of mobile test systems, capable of measuring high voltages/currents & LIN communication. Operator safety and logging useful data were top priorities
Industry: Automotive
Backer needed a set of mobile test systems, capable of measuring high voltages/currents & LIN communication. Operator safety and logging useful data were top priorities

Control and Monitoring
Category: R&D
Industry: Research/University
Chalmers University's Energy Technology department are working on revolutionizing power generation. As part of this research, they require a system that can monitor and save a variety of signals.
Industry: Research/University
Chalmers University's Energy Technology department are working on revolutionizing power generation. As part of this research, they require a system that can monitor and save a variety of signals.

Healthcare testing
Category: Production Testing
Industry: Medical
In the medical industry, ensuring the quality of products is essential. When moving production from abroad to Sweden, our customer wanted an existing test system to be redesigned to be more reliable.
Industry: Medical
In the medical industry, ensuring the quality of products is essential. When moving production from abroad to Sweden, our customer wanted an existing test system to be redesigned to be more reliable.
EOL Airflow Testing
Category: Production Testing
Industry: Consumer
3M developed a welding mask that supplies users with filtered air when being used. Fans for this product required testing to ensure they provide effective and stable airflow with adjustable temperatures.
Industry: Consumer
3M developed a welding mask that supplies users with filtered air when being used. Fans for this product required testing to ensure they provide effective and stable airflow with adjustable temperatures.
EOL Headphone Testing
Category: Production Testing
Industry: Military
3M needed a modular solution which allowed operators to test different kinds of headphones easily in a soundproof environment. All while conforming to high 3M standards.
Industry: Military
3M needed a modular solution which allowed operators to test different kinds of headphones easily in a soundproof environment. All while conforming to high 3M standards.

HMI Testing
Category: Production Testing
Industry: Consumer
Nibe wanted to test a Human Machine Interface (HMI) on an existing test station already used in production. The HMI featured a touch screen for receiving and displaying information.
Industry: Consumer
Nibe wanted to test a Human Machine Interface (HMI) on an existing test station already used in production. The HMI featured a touch screen for receiving and displaying information.

Modular PCB Testing
Category: Production Testing
Industry: Consumer
When producing a broad range of different PCBs in batches, how can you ensure quality, reliability and result management? While also reducing development and maintenance costs?
Industry: Consumer
When producing a broad range of different PCBs in batches, how can you ensure quality, reliability and result management? While also reducing development and maintenance costs?